Bring your return to our packing experts at FedEx Office locations. They can pack your shipment and send it safely on its way.
Track shipments from the palm of your hand
Keep tabs on incoming and outgoing packages right from your phone with the Globe Logistics Mobile app. Get real-time alerts on deliveries via your phone or Apple Watch
Drop off packages where you shop Save time by dropping off shipments at a nearby retail location. From Globe Logistics Office to Walgreens and Walmart, choose from thousands of convenient stores.
About Globe Logistics
Safe Logistic & Transport Solutions That Saves Our Valuable Time!
Globe Logistics connects people in over 220 countries and territories worldwide. Driven by the power of more than 380,000 employees, we deliver integrated services and tailored solutions for managing and transporting letters, goods and information.
Welcome to Globe Logistics, your one-stop solution for shipping goods worldwide. Whether you need international or local shipping services, we have you covered. With our extensive network and expertise in the logistics industry, we ensure that your shipments reach their destination safely and efficiently.